Providing a quality service is our priority
It is important to note that expertise without the proper tools is hampered at best and the state-of the-art technology without expertise is useless. Our combination of both disciplines ensure that the program/ project objectives are achieved.
Our "Design to Cost" delivery concept ensures that our projects requested program scope of work will match the owner's established budget. Our delivery concept has contributed to a contractors request for change ratio of less than one percent (1%) during the last twenty years.
It is due to our general contractor's capabilities to establish an accurate cost analysis during ghte pre-design, design and construction phases. Providing cost alternatives and construct-ability reviews throughout the design duration ensures that the approved project program remains within the approved project budget.
Finally, the key benefits and value of our program/ project delivery concept is our project team expertise for all elements of the project/program, which allows for complete in house analysis of all elements of the project/program, allowing complete in house analysis of all construction issues in regards to cost, scheduling, and quality.
Our proactive approach verses the traditional reactive approach "Cost to Design" ensures that we will be an added value.
Cost Control
Quality Control
Schedule Control
Information Control